* @component Toast
* @description
* ## 弹出层 / Toast提示组件
* Toast是移动端比较灵活的通知组件, 可以用它来处理反馈信息或者展示系统消息. Toast组件可以出现在内容的上面/下面/中间, 可以定时关闭, 也可以手动点击Toast的关闭按钮, 形式较为灵活.
* ### 还有
* Toast组件本身并不是单例对象, 但是调用指纹都为`Toast('Toast Bottom Only String')`, 因此可能会问:
* 如何程序关闭toast呢? 目前, 关闭Toast只有三个方法:
* 1. duration 过期时间
* 2. showCloseButton 关闭按钮
* 3. 当上面两个都设置了, 则只执行第二个配置
* 4. `let toast = Toast('Toast Bottom Only String')`返回toast实例, 执行`toast.dismiss()`执行关闭
* 因此使用Toast需要知道这一点.
* ### 此外
* - 在Toast的传入参数中定义`onDismiss`回调函数, 可以在Toast关闭及动画结束后可以进行一些操作.
* - `dismissOnPageChange`表示如果路由切换自动关闭Toast, 这个属性默认值为`false`.
* ### 实例化Toast的方法
* #### 1. 只传入Message
Toast('Bottom was added successfully')
* #### 2. 传入Message和Duration
Toast('Bottom was added successfully',1000)
* #### 3. 传入Options对象
message: 'Bottom was added successfully',
duration: 3000,
position: 'bottom',
dismissOnPageChange: true,
onDismiss () {
console.debug('2 onDismiss in promise success!')
message: 'Top with Button was added successfully',
duration: 3000, // 这个不生效
position: 'top',
showCloseButton: true,
closeButtonText: '好的',
cssClass: 'showCloseBtnToastCssClass',
dismissOnPageChange: true,
onDismiss () {
console.debug('5 onDismiss in promise success!')
* @props {string} message - Toast显示的message, 如果文本过程则折行并自动撑开容器
* @props {number} [duration=3000] - Toast开启时间, 过期后关闭
* @props {string} [position="bottom"] - Toast开启放置的位置. 可以是: "top", "middle", "bottom".
* @props {string} [cssClass] - 额外的样式定义, 多个样式使用空格隔开
* @props {boolean} [showCloseButton=false] - 是否显示关闭按钮
* @props {string} [closeButtonText='Close'] - 关闭按钮的文字, 这里默认是Close
* @props {boolean} [dismissOnPageChange=false] - 当导航切换时, 是否自动关闭, 默认不关闭
* @props {string} [mode='ios'] - 模式
* @props {string} [onDismiss=noop] - 当关闭动画结束时执行的函数
* @props {string} [type=''] - (支付宝/DingTalk) toast 类型,展示相应图标,类型可选值: success / fail
* @demo #/toast
import ToastComponent from './toast.vue'
import GeneratePopUpInstance from '../../util/generatePopUpInstance.js'
import { isObject, isString } from '../../util/util'
class ToastInstance extends GeneratePopUpInstance {
normalizeOptions (options) {
let _args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
// get el position
if (_args.length === 2) {
options = {
message: _args[0],
duration: _args[1]
if (_args.length === 1 && isString(_args[0])) {
options = {
message: _args[0]
if (_args.length === 1 && isObject(_args[0])) {
options = _args[0]
// toast显示不影响scroll滚动
options.scrollControl = false
return options
isPresentHandled (options) {
return !options.isH5 &&
window.VM &&
window.VM.platform &&
window.VM.platform.showToast &&
isDismissHandled () {
return window.VM &&
window.VM.platform &&
window.VM.platform.hideToast &&
* 对外的Toast构建部分
* @function present
* @description 打开Toast
* @param {object} args - 传入参数
* @param {string} args.message - The message for the toast. Long strings will wrap and the toast container will expand.
* @param {number} [args.duration=3000] - How many milliseconds to wait before hiding the toast.
* @param {string} [args.position="bottom"] - The position of the toast on the screen. Accepted values: "top", "middle", "bottom".
* @param {string} [args.cssClass] - Additional classes for custom styles, separated by spaces.
* @param {boolean} [args.showCloseButton=false] - Whether or not to show a button to close the toast.
* @param {string} [args.closeButtonText='Close'] - Text to display in the close button.
* @param {boolean} [args.dismissOnPageChange=false] - Whether to dismiss the toast when navigating to a new page or nav back.
* @return {ToastInstance} 返回Toast的实例
* @private
function _toast () {
let _instance = new ToastInstance(ToastComponent, 'toast-portal')
// 自动开启
let _args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
return _instance
_toast.present = _toast
export default _toast