<div class="ion-textarea" :class="[modeClass,{'has-count': this.count > 0}]">
<div class="input-inner-wrap" @click="setFocus($event)">
<textarea ref="textarea"
:class="['text-input', 'text-input-' + mode]"
<div class="input-count" v-if="count > 0">
<script type="text/javascript">
import { isPresent, isTrueProperty } from '../../util/util'
import { hasFocus } from '../../util/dom'
import ModeMixins from '../../themes/theme.mixins'
import Autosize from 'autosize'
export default {
name: 'vm-textarea',
mixins: [ModeMixins],
inject: {
itemComponent: {
from: 'itemComponent',
default: null
props: {
value: {
type: [String, Number],
required: false
* @input {boolean} If true, the user cannot modify the value.
readonly: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
* @input {boolean} If true, the user cannot modify the value.
disabled: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
autosize: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
autofocus: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
required: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
* @input {string} Instructional text that shows before the input has a value.
placeholder: String,
* @input {any} The rows value.
rows: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
default: 3
* @input {any} The maximum length of textarea.
maxlength: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
default: null
* @input {any} The maximum length of textarea.
count: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
* focus时, 下划线是否高亮
showFocusHighlight: Boolean
data () {
return {
inputValue: this.value || '',
isReadonly: isTrueProperty(this.readonly),
isDisabled: isTrueProperty(this.disabled),
isAutosize: isTrueProperty(this.autosize),
isAutofocus: isTrueProperty(this.autofocus),
isRequired: isTrueProperty(this.required),
max: parseInt(this.maxlength) || null,
isValid: false,
timer: null
computed: {
textareaElement () {
return this.$refs.textarea
hasValue () {
const inputValue = this.inputValue
return (inputValue !== null && inputValue !== undefined && inputValue !== '')
watch: {
value (val) {
this.inputValue = val
created () {
if (isPresent(this.count)) {
this.max = parseInt(this.count)
mounted () {
if (this.isAutosize) {
if (this.itemComponent) {
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input', true)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-textarea', true)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-focus-highlight', this.showFocusHighlight)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-valid-highlight', this.isRequired)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-invalid-highlight', this.isRequired)
update () {
Autosize && Autosize.update(this.textareaElement)
destroy () {
Autosize && Autosize.destroy(this.textareaElement)
methods: {
* @function update
* @description
* 更新textarea组件
* */
update () {
Autosize && Autosize.update(this.textareaElement)
* @function destroy
* @description
* 销毁textarea组件
* */
destroy () {
Autosize && Autosize.destroy(this.textareaElement)
inputKeyUp ($event) {
this.$emit('onKeyup', $event)
inputKeyDown ($event) {
this.$emit('onKeydown', $event)
inputChanged ($event) {
this.inputValue = $event && $event.target ? $event.target.value : ''
// debounce
this.timer = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.$emit('onInput', $event)
this.$emit('input', this.inputValue)
}, 0)
inputFocused ($event) {
this.$emit('onFocus', $event)
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-touched', true)
inputBlurred ($event) {
this.$emit('onBlur', $event)
// 验证输入结果
verification () {
if (!this.isRequired) return
this.isValid = this.hasValue
if (this.isValid) {
this.$emit('onValid', this.inputValue)
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-valid', true)
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-invalid', false)
} else {
this.$emit('onInvalid', this.inputValue)
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-valid', false)
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-invalid', true)
setFocus () {
if (!hasFocus(this.textareaElement)) {
setItemHasFocusClass (isFocus) {
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input-has-focus', isFocus)
setItemHasValueClass () {
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input-has-value', this.hasValue)
<style lang="scss">
@import "textarea";
@import "textarea.ios";
@import "textarea.md";