<div class="ion-refresher" :class="{'refresher-active':(state !== 'inactive')}" :style="{'top':top}">
<div class="ion-refresher-content" :state="state">
<div class="refresher-pulling">
<div class="refresher-pulling-icon" v-if="pullingIcon">
<vm-icon :name="pullingIcon"></vm-icon>
<div class="refresher-pulling-text" v-html="pullingText" v-if="pullingText"></div>
<div class="refresher-refreshing">
<div class="refresher-refreshing-icon">
<vm-spinner :name="refreshingSpinner"></vm-spinner>
<div class="refresher-refreshing-text" v-html="refreshingText" v-if="refreshingText"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
import { pointerCoord, registerListener } from '../../util/dom'
import { isTrueProperty } from '../../util/util'
import ModeMixins from '../../themes/theme.mixins'
import VmIcon from '../icon'
import VmSpinner from '../spinner'
const STATE_INACTIVE = 'inactive'
const STATE_PULLING = 'pulling'
const STATE_READY = 'ready'
const STATE_REFRESHING = 'refreshing'
const STATE_CANCELLING = 'cancelling'
const STATE_COMPLETING = 'completing'
export default {
name: 'vm-refresher',
mixins: [ModeMixins],
inject: ['contentComponent', 'appComponent'],
components: {
data () {
return {
unregs: [],
appliedStyles: false,
didStart: false,
lastCheck: 0,
isEnabled: isTrueProperty(this.enabled),
top: '',
* The current state which the refresher is in. The refresher's states include:
* - `inactive` - The refresher is not being pulled down or refreshing and is currently hidden.
* - `pulling` - The user is actively pulling down the refresher, but has not reached the point yet that if the user lets go, it'll refresh.
* - `cancelling` - The user pulled down the refresher and let go, but did not pull down far enough to kick off the `refreshing` state. After letting go, the refresher is in the `cancelling` state while it is closing, and will go back to the `inactive` state once closed.
* - `ready` - The user has pulled down the refresher far enough that if they let go, it'll begin the `refreshing` state.
* - `refreshing` - The refresher is actively waiting on the async operation to end. Once the refresh handler calls `complete()` it will begin the `completing` state.
* - `completing` - The `refreshing` state has finished and the refresher is in the process of closing itself. Once closed, the refresher will go back to the `inactive` state.
* The Y coordinate of where the user started to the pull down the content.
startY: null,
* The current touch or mouse event's Y coordinate.
currentY: null,
* The distance between the start of the pull and the current touch or
* mouse event's Y coordinate.
deltaY: null,
* A number representing how far down the user has pulled.
* The number `0` represents the user hasn't pulled down at all. The
* number `1`, and anything greater than `1`, represents that the user
* has pulled far enough down that when they let go then the refresh will
* happen. If they let go and the number is less than `1`, then the
* refresh will not happen, and the content will return to it's original
* position.
progress: 0
props: {
* @input {number} The min distance the user must pull down until the
* refresher can go into the `refreshing` state. Default is `60`.
pullMin: {
type: Number,
default: 70
* @input {number} The maximum distance of the pull until the refresher
* will automatically go into the `refreshing` state. By default, the pull
* maximum will be the result of `pullMin + 60`.
pullMax: {
type: Number,
default: 200
* @input {number} How many milliseconds it takes to close the refresher. Default is `280`.
closeDuration: {
type: Number,
default: 280
* @input {number} How many milliseconds it takes the refresher to to snap back to the `refreshing` state. Default is `280`.
snapbackDuration: {
type: Number,
default: 280
* @input {boolean} If the refresher is enabled or not. Default is `true`.
enabled: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: true
* @input {string} a static icon to display when you begin to pull down
pullingIcon: {
type: String,
default: 'arrow-down'
* @input {string} the text you want to display when you begin to pull down
pullingText: {
type: String,
default: 'Pull to refresh'
* @input {string} An animated SVG spinner that shows when refreshing begins
refreshingSpinner: {
type: String,
default: 'ios'
* @input {string} the text you want to display when performing a refresh
refreshingText: {
type: String,
default: 'Refreshing...'
watch: {
enabled (val) {
this.isEnabled = isTrueProperty(val)
state (val) {
if (val === STATE_INACTIVE) {
this.appComponent && this.appComponent.setDisableScroll(false)
if (val === STATE_PULLING) {
this.appComponent && this.appComponent.setDisableScroll(true)
mounted () {
console.assert(this.contentComponent, 'Refresher组件必须要在Content组件下使用')
this.contentComponent && this.contentComponent.setElementClass('has-refresher', true)
destroyed () {
methods: {
onStart (ev) {
// if multitouch then get out immediately
if (ev.touches && ev.touches.length > 1) {
return false
if (this.state !== STATE_INACTIVE) {
return false
let scrollHostScrollTop = this.contentComponent.getContentDimensions().scrollTop
// if the scrollTop is greater than zero then it's
// not possible to pull the content down yet
if (scrollHostScrollTop > 0) {
return false
let coord = pointerCoord(ev)
console.debug('Pull-to-refresh, onStart', ev.type, 'y:', coord.y)
if (this.contentComponent.contentTop > 0) {
let newTop = this.contentComponent.contentTop + 'px'
if (this.top !== newTop) {
this.top = newTop
this.startY = this.currentY = coord.y
this.progress = 0
this.state = STATE_INACTIVE
return true
onMove (ev) {
// this method can get called like a bazillion times per second,
// so it's built to be as efficient as possible, and does its
// best to do any DOM read/writes only when absolutely necessary
// if multitouch then get out immediately
if (ev.touches && ev.touches.length > 1) {
return 1
// do nothing if it's actively refreshing
// or it's in the process of closing
// or this was never a startY
if (
this.startY === null ||
this.state === STATE_REFRESHING ||
this.state === STATE_CANCELLING ||
this.state === STATE_COMPLETING
) {
return 2
// if we just updated stuff less than 16ms ago
// then don't check again, just chillout plz
let now = Date.now()
if (this.lastCheck + 16 > now) {
return 3
// remember the last time we checked all this
this.lastCheck = now
// get the current pointer coordinates
let coord = pointerCoord(ev)
this.currentY = coord.y
// it's now possible they could be pulling down the content
// how far have they pulled so far?
this.deltaY = coord.y - this.startY
// don't bother if they're scrolling up
// and have not already started dragging
if (this.deltaY <= 0) {
// the current Y is higher than the starting Y
// so they scrolled up enough to be ignored
this.progress = 0
if (this.state !== STATE_INACTIVE) {
this.state = STATE_INACTIVE
if (this.appliedStyles) {
// reset the styles only if they were applied
this.setCss(0, '', false, '')
return 5
return 6
if (this.state === STATE_INACTIVE) {
// this refresh is not already actively pulling down
// get the content's scrollTop
let scrollHostScrollTop = this.contentComponent.getContentDimensions().scrollTop
// if the scrollTop is greater than zero then it's
// not possible to pull the content down yet
if (scrollHostScrollTop > 0) {
this.progress = 0
this.startY = null
return 7
// content scrolled all the way to the top, and dragging down
this.state = STATE_PULLING
// prevent native scroll events
// the refresher is actively pulling at this point
// move the scroll element within the content element
this.setCss(this.deltaY * 0.5, '0ms', true, '')
if (!this.deltaY) {
// don't continue if there's no delta yet
this.progress = 0
return 8
// so far so good, let's run this all back within zone now
onMoveInZone () {
// set pull progress
this.progress = this.deltaY * 0.5 / this.pullMin
// emit "start" if it hasn't started yet
if (!this.didStart) {
this.didStart = true
this.$emit('onStart', this)
// emit "pulling" on every move
this.$emit('onPull', this)
// do nothing if the delta is less than the pull threshold
if (this.deltaY * 0.5 < this.pullMin) {
// ensure it stays in the pulling state, cuz its not ready yet
this.state = STATE_PULLING
return 2
if (this.deltaY * 0.5 > this.pullMax) {
// they pulled farther than the max, so kick off the refresh
return 3
// pulled farther than the pull min!!
// it is now in the `ready` state!!
// if they let go then it'll refresh, kerpow!!
this.state = STATE_READY
return 4
onEnd () {
// only run in a zone when absolutely necessary
if (this.state === STATE_READY) {
// they pulled down far enough, so it's ready to refresh
} else if (this.state === STATE_PULLING) {
// they were pulling down, but didn't pull down far enough
// set the content back to it's original location
// and close the refresher
// set that the refresh is actively cancelling
// reset on any touchend/mouseup
this.startY = null
beginRefresh () {
// assumes we're already back in a zone
// they pulled down far enough, so it's ready to refresh
// place the content in a hangout position while it thinks
this.setCss(this.pullMin, this.snapbackDuration + 'ms', true, '')
// emit "refresh" because it was pulled down far enough
// and they let go to begin refreshing
this.$emit('onRefresh', this)
* Call `complete()` when your async operation has completed.
* For example, the `refreshing` state is while the app is performing
* an asynchronous operation, such as receiving more data from an
* AJAX request. Once the data has been received, you then call this
* method to signify that the refreshing has completed and to close
* the refresher. This method also changes the refresher's state from
* `refreshing` to `completing`.
complete () {
this.closeRefresher(STATE_COMPLETING, '120ms')
* Changes the refresher's state from `refreshing` to `cancelling`.
cancel () {
this.closeRefresher(STATE_CANCELLING, '')
closeRefresher (state, delay) {
var timer
function close (ev) {
// closing is done, return to inactive state
if (ev) {
this.state = STATE_INACTIVE
this.progress = 0
this.didStart = this.startY = this.currentY = this.deltaY = null
this.setCss(0, '0ms', false, '')
// create fallback timer incase something goes wrong with transitionEnd event
timer = setTimeout(close.bind(this), 600)
// create transition end event on the content's scroll element
// reset set the styles on the scroll element
// set that the refresh is actively cancelling/completing
this.state = state
this.setCss(0, '', true, delay)
setCss (y, duration, overflowVisible, delay) {
this.appliedStyles = y > 0
const Css = this.$platform.css
if (this.contentComponent) {
this.contentComponent.setScrollElementStyle(Css.transform, ((y > 0) ? 'translateY(' + y + 'px) translateZ(0px)' : 'translateZ(0px)'))
this.contentComponent.setScrollElementStyle(Css.transitionDuration, duration)
this.contentComponent.setScrollElementStyle(Css.transitionDelay, delay)
this.contentComponent.setScrollElementStyle('overflow', overflowVisible ? 'hidden' : '')
setListeners (shouldListen) {
if (this.unregs && this.unregs.length > 0) {
console.debug('refresher.vue 解除绑定')
this.unregs.forEach(unreg => {
unreg && unreg()
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (shouldListen && this.contentComponent) {
let contentElement = this.contentComponent.getScrollElement()
console.assert(contentElement, 'Refresh Component need Content Ready!::<Component>setListeners()')
registerListener(contentElement, 'touchstart', this.onStart.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
registerListener(contentElement, 'mousedown', this.onStart.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
registerListener(contentElement, 'touchmove', this.onMove.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
registerListener(contentElement, 'mousemove', this.onMove.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
registerListener(contentElement, 'touchend', this.onEnd.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
registerListener(contentElement, 'mouseup', this.onEnd.bind(this), {'passive': false}, this.unregs)
<style lang="scss">
@import "refresher";