<div class="ion-input" :class="[modeClass,{'clearInput':isClearInput}]" @click="setFocus($event)">
<div class="input-inner-wrap">
<input ref="input"
:class="['text-input', 'text-input-'+mode]"
<vm-button v-if="isClearInput && hasValue"
<script type="text/javascript">
import REGEXP from '../../util/regexp'
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce'
import {isTrueProperty, isBlank, isFunction, isObject, isPresent, isRegExp} from '../../util/util'
import {hasFocus} from '../../util/dom'
import ModeMixins from '../../themes/theme.mixins'
import VmButton from '../button'
export default {
name: 'vm-input',
mixins: [ModeMixins],
inject: {
itemComponent: {
from: 'itemComponent',
default: null
components: {
props: {
* @input {string} The type of control to display. The default type is text.
* Possible values are: `"text"`, `"password"`, `"email"`, `"number"`, `"search"`, `"tel"`, or `"url"`.
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
value: {
type: [String, Number],
required: false
* @input {boolean} If true, a clear icon will appear in the input when there is a value. Clicking it clears the input.
clearInput: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
* @input {boolean} If true, the user cannot modify the value.
readonly: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
* @input {boolean} If true, the user cannot modify the value.
disabled: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: false
autocapitalize: String,
autocomplete: String,
autocorrect: String,
autofocus: [Boolean, String],
* @input {string} Instructional text that shows before the input has a value.
placeholder: String,
* @input {any} The minimum value, which must not be greater than its maximum (max attribute) value.
min: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
* @input {any} The maximum value, which must not be less than its minimum (min attribute) value.
max: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
* @input {any} Works with the min and max attributes to limit the increments at which a value can be set.
step: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
* focus时, 下划线是否高亮
showFocusHighlight: Boolean,
* 验证成功是否显示 highlight
showValidHighlight: Boolean,
* 验证失败是否显示 highlight
showInvalidHighlight: Boolean,
* 设置type=number的小数位
decimal: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
default: 2
debounce: {
type: [String, Number],
validator (val) {
return parseInt(val) >= 0
default: 10
// 自定义输入结果验证的正则表达式
regex: RegExp,
* 是否valid输入结果, 如果regex有值, 则开启, 否自关闭.
* 如果valid开启, 但是regex无值, 则使用内置判断
* 默认关闭valid
valid: [Boolean, String]
data () {
return {
oldInputValue: null, // 内部value值
inputValue: this.value, // 内部value值
typeValue: this.type, // 内部type值
isValid: isTrueProperty(this.valid) || this.regex, // 内部valid值, 判断是否需要验证结果
isReadonly: isTrueProperty(this.readonly),
isDisabled: isTrueProperty(this.disabled),
isAutofocus: isTrueProperty(this.autofocus),
isClearInput: isTrueProperty(this.clearInput),
executeEmit () {},
shouldBlur: true // 点击清楚按钮时使用
watch: {
value (val) {
this.inputValue = val
computed: {
inputElement () {
return this.$refs.input
hasValue () {
const inputValue = this.inputValue
return (inputValue !== null && inputValue !== undefined && inputValue !== '')
created () {
// 根据 REGEXP 匹配 type 的真正规则
if (isObject(REGEXP[this.type]) && isPresent(REGEXP[this.type].type)) {
this.typeValue = REGEXP[this.type].type
} else {
this.typeValue = this.type
// 生成emit执行体
this.executeEmit = this.initDebounce()
mounted () {
// 找到外部item实例
if (this.itemComponent) {
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input', true)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-focus-highlight', this.showFocusHighlight)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-valid-highlight', this.showValidHighlight)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('show-invalid-highlight', this.showInvalidHighlight)
// 初始化时,判断是否有value
// 手动focus
if (this.isAutofocus) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 16 * 3)
methods: {
setFocus () {
if (!hasFocus(this.inputElement)) {
clearTextInput () {
this.inputValue = ''
this.shouldBlur = false
checkBoundary ($event) {
let inputText = $event.target.value // text
let resetValue = null
// 数字边界限制
// 这段代码已在很卡顿的安卓机上试验过了, 之所以不在watch阶段重置, 是因为在较慢的安卓机上有数字抖动的情况
// 现在已能很好的处理
if (this.typeValue === 'number') {
resetValue = inputText
if (isPresent(inputText)) {
if (isPresent(this.max) && parseFloat(inputText) > parseInt(this.max)) {
resetValue = this.oldInputValue
if (isPresent(this.min) && parseFloat(inputText) < parseInt(this.min)) {
resetValue = this.min
// 小数点检查, 使用string的方式, number的方式会有奇怪的问题, 比如: 222.22 -> 222.19
let int = resetValue.toString().split('.')[0]
let decimals = resetValue.toString().split('.')[1]
if (decimals && this.decimal > 0) {
if (decimals.length > this.decimal) {
decimals = decimals.substr(0, this.decimal)
resetValue = `${int}.${decimals}`
if (resetValue !== inputText) {
$event.target.value = resetValue
} else {
resetValue = inputText
// 非数字 且有 最大长度限制
if (isPresent(this.max) && isPresent(inputText) && inputText.toString().length > this.max) {
resetValue = this.oldInputValue
// 重置 input 输入框
$event.target.value = resetValue
return resetValue
inputKeyUp ($event) {
this.$emit('onKeyup', $event)
* @event component:Input#onKeydown
* @description keydown事件
* @private
inputKeyDown ($event) {
this.$emit('onKeydown', $event)
this.oldInputValue = this.inputValue
* 监听并发送blur事件
* @private
inputBlurred () {
// debug: clearInput会在onBlur之后,造成blur后点击clearInput失效, 故需要延迟blur
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (this.shouldBlur) {
// 向父组件Item添加标记
// 验证输入结果
} else {
this.shouldBlur = true
}, 16 * 2)
* 监听并发送focus事件
* @private
inputFocused () {
// 向父组件Item添加标记
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-touched', true)
* 监听input事件, 更新input的value(inputValue)
* @param {Event} [$event] - 事件(可选)
* @private
inputChanged ($event) {
if ($event && $event.target) {
// 输入限制检查
this.inputValue = this.checkBoundary($event)
// debounce
} else {
// clear的情况
// 需要同步设置input元素的值
this.inputElement.value = null
this.inputValue = null
// 立即发送变化, 不需要debounce
* 执行验证, 如果错误则设置ng-invalid, 正确则设置ng-valid
* @private
validation () {
// 只有开启才检查
if (!this.isValid) return
console.log(this.inputValue, this.type)
let isValid = this.getVerifyResult(this.inputValue, this.type)
if (isValid) {
this.$emit('onValid', this.inputValue, this.type)
if (this.itemComponent) {
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-valid', true)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-invalid', false)
} else {
this.$emit('onInvalid', this.inputValue, this.type)
if (this.itemComponent) {
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-valid', false)
this.itemComponent.setElementClass('ng-invalid', true)
* 获取验证结果
* @param {*} value - 待验证的值
* @param {String} type - 待验证的值的类型
* @return Boolean
* @private
getVerifyResult (value, type = 'text') {
if (!isPresent(value)) {
return false
let _regex = this.regex
if (isBlank(_regex)) {
let regexpInfo = REGEXP[type]
if (regexpInfo && (isRegExp(regexpInfo) || isFunction(regexpInfo))) {
_regex = regexpInfo
} else if (regexpInfo && (isRegExp(regexpInfo.regexp) || isFunction(regexpInfo.regexp))) {
_regex = regexpInfo.regexp
// 如果没有正则信息则返回true, 表示不验证
if (!isPresent(_regex)) {
return false
// 如果是函数则执行判断
if (isFunction(_regex)) {
return _regex(value)
// 判断是不是正则
if (isRegExp(_regex)) {
return _regex.test(value)
return false
initDebounce () {
if (parseInt(this.debounce) > 0) {
return debounce(function () {
}, parseInt(this.debounce))
} else {
return () => {
emitChange () {
* @event component:Input#onInput
* @description input事件
* @property {*} value - 当前输入的值
this.$emit('onInput', this.inputValue)
this.$emit('input', this.inputValue)
setItemHasFocusClass (isFocused) {
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input-has-focus', isFocused)
setItemHasValueClass () {
this.itemComponent && this.itemComponent.setElementClass('item-input-has-value', !!this.hasValue)
<style lang="scss">
@import "input";
@import "input.ios";
@import "input.md";