import {registerListener} from '../../util/dom'
const FRAME_MS = (1000 / 60)
const EVENT_OPTS = {
passive: true,
zone: false
export default class ScrollView {
constructor () {
this.ev = null
this.isScrolling = false
this.onScrollStart = () => {}
this.onScroll = () => {}
this.onScrollEnd = () => {}
this.initialized = false
this._el = null
this._lsn = null
this._endTmr = null
this._transform = window.VM && window.VM.platform && window.VM.platform.css.transform || 'transform'
this.ev = {
timeStamp: 0,
scrollTop: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollHeight: 0,
scrollWidth: 0,
contentHeight: 0,
contentWidth: 0,
contentTop: 0,
contentBottom: 0,
startY: 0,
startX: 0,
deltaY: 0,
deltaX: 0,
velocityY: 0,
velocityX: 0,
directionY: 'down',
directionX: null
init (ele) {
console.assert(ele, 'scroll-view, element can not be null')
this._el = ele
if (!this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true
setScrolling (isScrolling, ev) {
if (this.isScrolling) {
if (isScrolling) {
this.onScroll && this.onScroll(ev)
} else {
this.isScrolling = false
this.onScrollEnd && this.onScrollEnd(ev)
} else if (isScrolling) {
this.isScrolling = true
this.onScrollStart && this.onScrollStart(ev)
enableNativeScrolling () {
console.assert(this.onScrollStart, 'onScrollStart is not defined')
console.assert(this.onScroll, 'onScroll is not defined')
console.assert(this.onScrollEnd, 'onScrollEnd is not defined')
if (!this._el) {
const self = this
const ev = self.ev
const positions = []
function scrollCallback (scrollEvent) {
ev.timeStamp = scrollEvent.timeStamp
// Event.timeStamp is 0 in firefox
if (!ev.timeStamp) {
ev.timeStamp =
// get the current scrollTop
ev.scrollTop = self.getTop()
// get the current scrollLeft
ev.scrollLeft = self.getLeft()
if (!self.isScrolling) {
// remember the start positions
ev.startY = ev.scrollTop
ev.startX = ev.scrollLeft
// new scroll, so do some resets
ev.velocityY = ev.velocityX = 0
ev.deltaY = ev.deltaX = 0
positions.length = 0
// actively scrolling
positions.push(ev.scrollTop, ev.scrollLeft, ev.timeStamp)
if (positions.length > 3) {
// we've gotten at least 2 scroll events so far
ev.deltaY = (ev.scrollTop - ev.startY)
ev.deltaX = (ev.scrollLeft - ev.startX)
var endPos = (positions.length - 1)
var startPos = endPos
var timeRange = (ev.timeStamp - 100)
// move pointer to position measured 100ms ago
for (var i = endPos; i > 0 && positions[i] > timeRange; i -= 3) {
startPos = i
if (startPos !== endPos) {
// compute relative movement between these two points
var movedTop = (positions[startPos - 2] - positions[endPos - 2])
var movedLeft = (positions[startPos - 1] - positions[endPos - 1])
var factor = FRAME_MS / (positions[endPos] - positions[startPos])
// based on XXms compute the movement to apply for each render step
ev.velocityY = movedTop * factor
ev.velocityX = movedLeft * factor
// figure out which direction we're scrolling
ev.directionY = (movedTop > 0 ? 'up' : 'down')
ev.directionX = (movedLeft > 0 ? 'left' : 'right')
function scrollEnd () {
// reset velocity, do not reset the directions or deltas
ev.velocityY = ev.velocityX = 0
// emit that the scroll has ended
self.setScrolling(false, ev)
self._endTmr = null
// emit on each scroll event
self.setScrolling(true, ev)
// debounce for a moment after the last scroll event
self._endTmr = window.setTimeout(scrollEnd, SCROLL_END_DEBOUNCE_MS)
// clear out any existing listeners (just to be safe)
self._lsn && self._lsn()
// assign the raw scroll listener
// note that it does not have a wrapping requestAnimationFrame on purpose
// a scroll event callback will always be right before the raf callback
// so there's little to no value of using raf here since it'll all ways immediately
// call the raf if it was set within the scroll event, so this will save us some time
self._lsn = registerListener(self._el, 'scroll', scrollCallback, EVENT_OPTS)
getHeight () {
return this._el.scrollHeight
getWidth () {
return this._el.scrollWidth
getTop () {
return this._el.scrollTop
getLeft () {
return this._el.scrollLeft
setTop (top) {
this._el.scrollTop = top
setLeft (left) {
this._el.scrollLeft = left
scrollTo (x, y, duration, done) {
// scroll animation loop w/ easing
// credit
let promise
if (done === undefined) {
// only create a promise if a done callback wasn't provided
// done can be a null, which avoids any functions
promise = new Promise(resolve => {
done = resolve
const self = this
const el = self._el
if (!el) {
// invalid element
return promise
if (duration < 32) {
return promise
const fromY = el.scrollTop
const fromX = el.scrollLeft
const maxAttempts = (duration / 16) + 100
const transform = this._transform
let startTime
let timeStamp
let attempts = 0
let stopScroll = false
// scroll loop
let step = () => {
if (stopScroll || attempts > maxAttempts) {
self.setScrolling(false, null);
([transform] = ''
timeStamp = new Date().getTime()
let time = Math.min(1, ((timeStamp - startTime) / duration))
// where .5 would be 50% of time on a linear scale easedT gives a
// fraction based on the easing method
let easedT = (--time) * time * time + 1
if (fromY !== y) {
self.setTop((easedT * (y - fromY)) + fromY)
if (fromX !== x) {
self.setLeft(Math.floor((easedT * (x - fromX)) + fromX))
if (easedT < 1) {
// do not use DomController here
// must use nativeRaf in order to fire in the next frame
} else {
stopScroll = true
self.setScrolling(false, null);
([transform] = ''
// start scroll loop
self.setScrolling(true, null)
self.isScrolling = true
startTime = new Date().getTime()
// chill out for a frame first
return promise
scrollToTop (duration) {
return this.scrollTo(0, 0, duration)
scrollToBottom (duration) {
let y = 0
if (this._el) {
y = this._el.scrollHeight - this._el.clientHeight
return this.scrollTo(0, y, duration)
scrollBy (x = 0, y = 0, duration = 300, done) {
y += this.getTop()
x += this.getLeft()
return this.scrollTo(x, y, duration, done)
scrollToElement (el, duration = 300, done) {
if (!el) {
console.assert(el, 'The method scrollToElement() need element!')
return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve() })
let x = 0
let y = el.offsetTop
return this.scrollTo(x, y, duration, done)
stop () {
this.setScrolling(false, null)
* @hidden
destroy () {
this._endTmr && window.clearTimeout(this._endTmr)
this._lsn && this._lsn()
let ev = this.ev
ev.contentElement = ev.fixedElement = ev.scrollElement = ev.headerElement = null
this._lsn = this._el = this.ev = ev = null
this.onScrollStart = this.onScroll = this.onScrollEnd = null