<div class="ion-app" :version="version" :class="[modeClass,{'disable-scroll':isScrollDisabled}]">
<div class="app-viewport"></div>
<div class="app-root">
<div id="modal-portal"></div>
<div id="sheet-portal"></div>
<div id="alert-portal"></div>
<div id="loading-portal"></div>
<div id="toast-portal"></div>
<div class="click-block" :class="{'click-block-enabled':isClickBlockEnabled}"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
import { isString, isPresent } from '../../util/util'
import { setElementClass } from '../../util/dom'
import ModeMixins from '../../themes/theme.mixins'
import ClickBlock from './click-block'
const CLICK_BLOCK_BUFFER_IN_MILLIS = 64 // click_blcok等待时间
const CLICK_BLOCK_DURATION_IN_MILLIS = 700 // 时间过后回复可点击状态
const clickBlockInstance = new ClickBlock()
let scrollDisTimer = null // 计时器
export default {
name: 'vm-app',
mixins: [ModeMixins],
provide () {
let _this = this
return {
appComponent: _this
data () {
return {
// ----------- App -----------
disabledTimeRecord: 0, // 禁用计时
scrollTimeRecord: 0, // 滚动计时
isScrollDisabled: false, // 控制页面是否能滚动
isClickBlockEnabled: false, // 控制是否激活 '冷冻'效果 click-block-enabled
isScrolling: false, // 可滚动状态
isEnabled: true, // 可点击状态
version: isPresent(window.VM) && window.VM.version
computed: {
modeClass () {
return `app-root app-root-${this.mode} ${this.mode} platform-${this.mode}`
created () {
console.assert(this.$platform, `The Component of <App> need 'platform' instance`)
console.assert(this.$config, `The Component of <App> need 'config' instance`)
* $app对外方法
let proto = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(this))
proto.$app = this
const _this = this
this.$events.$on('onScrollStart', () => {
_this.isScrolling = true
this.$events.$on('onScroll', () => {
_this.isScrolling = true
this.$events.$on('onScrollEnd', () => {
_this.isScrolling = false
// 设置当前可点击
this.isClickBlockEnabled = true
mounted () {
if (window.VM) {
window.VM.$app = this
// 用于判断组件是否在VM的组件树中
window.VM.$events = this.$events
methods: {
* @function setEnabled
* @description
* 设置当前页面是否能点击滑动, 一般使用在像ActionSheet/Alert/Modal等弹出会出现transition动画,
* 当transition动画进行中,页面是锁定的不能点击,因此使用该函数设定App的状态, 保证动画过程中, 用户不会操作页面
* @param {boolean} isEnabled - `true` for enabled, `false` for disabled
* @param {number} duration - isEnabled=false的过期时间 当 `isEnabled` 设置为`false`, 则duration之后,`isEnabled`将自动设为`true`
* @example
* this.$app && this.$app.setEnabled(false, 400) -> 400ms内页面不可点击, 400ms过后可正常使用
* this.$app && this.$app.setEnabled(true) -> 64ms后解除锁定
setEnabled (isEnabled, duration = CLICK_BLOCK_DURATION_IN_MILLIS) {
this.disabledTimeRecord = isEnabled ? 0 : Date.now() + duration
this.isEnabled = isEnabled
if (isEnabled) {
// disable the click block if it's enabled, or the duration is tiny
.then(() => {
this.isEnabled = true
} else {
// show the click block for duration + some number
.activate(true, duration + CLICK_BLOCK_BUFFER_IN_MILLIS)
.then(() => {
this.isEnabled = true
* @function setDisableScroll
* @description
* 是否点击滚动, 这个需要自己设置时间解锁
* @param {Boolean} isScrollDisabled - 是否禁止滚动点击 true:禁止滚动/false:可以滚动
* @param {number} duration - 时间过后则自动解锁
* @example
* this.$app && this.$app.setDisableScroll(true, 400) -> 400ms内页面不可滚动, 400ms过后可正常使用
* this.$app && this.$app.setDisableScroll(false) ->立即解除锁定
setDisableScroll (isScrollDisabled, duration = 0) {
if (duration > 0 && isScrollDisabled) {
this.isScrollDisabled = isScrollDisabled
scrollDisTimer = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.isScrollDisabled = false
}, duration)
* @function setClass
* @description
* 设置根组件的class样式, 比如全局颜色替换或者结构变更
* @param {string} className - 样式名称
* @param {boolean} [isAdd=false] - 是否添加
setClass (className, isAdd = false) {
if (className) {
setElementClass(this.$el, className, isAdd)
* @function setDocTitle
* @param {String|Object} _title - 设置标题
* @param {String} _title.title - 标题
* @description
* 设置document.title的值, 如果传入的是string, 则为title的字符串, 如果是对象, 则title字段为标题名称
setDocTitle (_title) {
if (isString(_title)) {
_title = { title: _title }
// BugFixed: 如果组件不是通过异步加载, 则他的执行顺序会很靠前, 此时平台的方法并未初始化完毕. 因此异步定时后在执行
window.setTimeout(() => {
let isHandled =
!!this.$platform &&
!!this.$platform.setNavbarTitle &&
if (!isHandled) {
if (this.$platform && this.$platform.platforms().length <= 2) {
// PC端
document.title = _title.title || ''
} else {
// 利用iframe的onload事件刷新页面
document.title = _title.title
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
// 空白图片
iframe.style.visibility = 'hidden'
iframe.style.width = '1px'
iframe.style.height = '1px'
iframe.onload = function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
}, 16 * 5)
<style lang="scss">
@import "app";
@import "app.ios";
@import "app.md";
// Page Animate
@import "../../transition/app";